Graduate Students Research Supervision
PhD Students
Marcos Fabricío de Souza Aleixo Filho , PhD - 2024-current (Bolsa-CAPES)
Thesis Title: Microstructure and rheology of magnetic emulsions under action of a magnetic field: theoretical and experimental studies for different viscosity ratios and drop volume fractions
Leonardo Afonso da Silva Inácio Inácio , PhD - 2024-current (Bolsa-CAPES)
Thesis Title: Statistical Mechanics of Active Suspension with Hydrodynamic and Dipolar Interactions of Particles in Sedimentation
Matheus Araujo Aguilar , PhD - 2022-current (Bolsa-CAPES) (Passed in Qualify Exam of the Ph.D Program in Mechanical Science - UnB in December/2024)
Thesis Title: Theoretical studies of elastic and magnetic boundary layers flows with active control of drag.
Igor Dal Osto Pereira, PhD - 2020-2024 (Bolsa-CAPES)
Thesis Title: Rheology of passive and active suspensions with anisotropic structures in shear flows: micro and macro scales.
Yves-Garnard Irilan, PhD - 2017-2022 (Bolsa-CAPES)
Thesis Title: On the motion of Active Particles and Organisms in viscous fluids. Currently: Professor - Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina
Pavel Zenon Sejas, PhD - 2016-2020 (Bolsa-CAPES).
Thesis Title: Hydrodynamic Instabilities in Flows of Magnetic Fluids (approved in Qualify Exam of the Ph.D program in Applied Mathematics - UnB in june-2017), (joint supervision with Yuri D. Sobral - Department of Mathematics - UnB).
Sara Malvar, PhD - 2015-2019 (Bolsa-FAPESP)
Thesis Title: Hydrodynamic of Living Fluids in Microflows (joint supervision with Bruno Souza Carmo - USP). (Currently: Microsoft Senior Research Software Development Engineer).
Andrey B. Gumarães, PhD - 2016-2020 (Bolsa-FAPESP)
Thesis Title: Langevin Dynamics Applied to the Study of Magneto hyperthermia in Magnetic suspensions (joint supervision with Rafael G. Gontijo - UnB). (Currently - Professor Professor - Universidade Federal do Mato-Grosso).
Adriano Possebon Rosa, PhD - 2014-2018 (UnB-CAPES)
Thesis Title: Microstructure and Magneto-Rheology of Ferrofluids Under Shear Flow: Theory and Simulation. UnB Thesis Prize - Best Ph.D thesis in the Areas of Exact Sciences, Technologies and Multidisciplinary (PhD exchange year 12 months - UnB/CNPq-CSF program and U. of California in Santa Barbara - USA). Currently: Professor - Mechanical Engineering - University of Brasília.
Álvaro Moreira Neto, PhD - 2014-2018 (FAPMT) (Bolsa-FAPESP)
Thesis Title: Nonlinear Behavior of Elastic Suspensions Under Different Shear Flows: Mathematical Modeling and Simulation. Currently: Professor - Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso.
Camila de Oliveira Vieira, PhD - 2014-2018 (Bolsa-CAPES)
Thesis Title: Flow of Magnetic Fluids in Cavities. (joint supervision with Yuri D. Sobral- Department of Mathematics - UnB). Currently: Professora Adjunta na Universidade Federal do Oeste da Bahia.
Braulio Gutierrez Pimenta, PhD - 2011-2016 (Bolsa-CAPES)
Thesis Title: Numerical Simulation of Nonlinear Waves in Gas Dynamics and Rotor-Stator Interaction Noise of Aeronautic Turbofan Engines (joint supervision with Roberto F.B. Miserda- ENM- UnB). Currently: Professor - Mechanical Engineering - University of Brasília.
Nuno Jorge Sousa Dias, PhD - 2011-2014 (Bolsa-CAPES)
Thesis Title: Investigation of high viscosity emulsion flow in Linear Shear and Capillary Tubes. Currently: R & D in an Oil-Gas Portuguese Company.
Rafael Gabler Gontijo, PhD - 2009-2013 (Bolsa-CNPq)
Thesis Title: Micromechanics and Microhydrodynamics of Magnetic Suspensions (ABCM/Embraer Prize - Best Ph.D thesis, Brazilian Society Mechanical Engineering, Brazil). Currently: Professor of Mechanical Engineering at University of Brasilia.
Taygoara Felamingo de Oliveira, PhD - 2003-2007 (Bolsa-CAPES)
Thesis Title: Microhydrodynamics and Rheology of Emulsion Flows. Currently: Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Brasília.
MSc Students
Carlos Eduardo Leite de Oliveira, MSc - 2024 - Current (Bolsa-CAPES)
Thesis Title: Pressure driven flow of a viscoelastic electrically conducting liquid in the presence of a magnetic field.
Matheus Borges Sampaio, MSc - 2024 - Current (Bolsa-CAPES)
Thesis Title: On the flow of magnetic fluid in porous media: modeling and numerical simulations (joint supervision with Rafael G. Gontijo - UnB)
Leonardo da Silva Afonso Inácio, MSc - 2023 - 2024 (Bolsa-CAPES)
Thesis Title: On the bulk viscosity and shear induced dispersion in magnetohydrodynamic flows.
Érick Marcelino Miranda, MSc - 2022 - 2024 (Bolsa-CAPES)
Thesis Title: Single-phase and two-phase flows of immiscible liquids in porous media with magnetohydrodynamic effects.
Marcos Fabricío de Souza Aleixo Filho , MSc - 2021 - 2024 (Bolsa-CAPES)
Thesis Title: Rheological of polar drop emulsions subject to shear and magnetic field.
Victor Shumyatsky , MSc - 2020 - 2023 (Bolsa-CNPq)
Thesis Title: Dynamic of non-linear concentration waves in fluidized beds: modelling, analysis and simulation.
Victor Hugo Suarez Solis, MSc - 2020 - 2022 ( Bolsa-CAPES)
Thesis Title: An Investigation of Microestructure and Rheology of NaCl Crystals Suspensions Undergoing Shear Flows and Magnetic Filed.
Yuri Zeniti Sinzato, MSc - 2019 - 2021 (Bolsa-CAPES)
Thesis Title: Hydrodynamic Dispersion in Capillary Flow of Magnetic Fluids. Currently - Doing PhD at University of Amsterdam.
Filipe Henrique de Sousa Evangelista, MSc - 2017-2019 (Bolsa CAPES)
Thesis Title: Microstructure and Velocity Fluctuations in a Sedimenting Magnetic Suspension. Currently - Doing Post-doc at University of Princeton. (PhD in University of Colorado - USA, 2024).
Igor Dal Osto Pereira, MSc - 2017-2019 (Bolsa-CAPES)
Thesis Title: Rheology of ferrofluids in shear flows. Currently - Doing a Post-doc at Labororatory of Microhydrodynamics and Rheology - Mechanical Engineering - University of Brasília.
Gesse Arantes de Roure Neto, MSc - 2016-2018 (Bolsa-CNPq)
Thesis Title: Macroscopic Quantities of Dilute Non-Brownian Magnetic Suspensions in a Shear Flow. Currently - Doing Post-doc at University of Missouri - USA . (PhD in University of Colorado - USA, 2023).
Vanderlino Coelho Barreto Neto, MSc - 2016-2019 (UNB-CAPES)
Thesis Title: A Theoretical Investigation of Turbulent Flows on Rough Surfaces (joint supervision with Yuri D. Sobral- MAT- UnB) .
Sara Malvar Mauá, MSc - 2014-2015 (Bolsa-CAPES)
Thesis Title: Bubble Dynamics in Magnetic Fluids: Theory and Applications.
Adriano Possebon Rosa, MSc - 2012-2014 (Bolsa-CNPq)
Thesis Title: Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Rheology and Microstructure of Magnetic Suspensions.
André Von Borries Lopes, MSc - 2009-2012 (Bolsa-CAPES)
Thesis Title: Nonlinear waves in Gas Dynamics with Expansional Viscosity. Currently: Professor in Mechanical Engineering at University of Brasília.
Daniel Lima Albernaz , MSc - 2008-2011 (Bolsa-CNPq)
Thesis Title: Bubble dynamics in elastic and anisotropic liquids. (Currently PhD in KTH - Sweden and Volvo Company in Sweden).
Hugo Leonnardo Gomides do Couto, MSc - 2006-2009 (Bolsa-CNPq)
Thesis Title: Mechanics of Magnetic Suspensions.
Ricardo Caido de Alvarenga, MSc - 2006-2009 (Bolsa-CAPES)
Thesis Title: A boundary integral method for simulating steady and unsteady potential flow around bodies.
Jonas Antônio Albuquerque de Carvalho, MSc - 2006-2008 (Bolsa-CAPES)
Thesis Title: On the flow of blood in microvessels.
Farith Salas Absi , MSc - 2004-2007 (Bolsa-CAPES)
Thesis Title: Microstructure constitutive description of Elastic liquids under shear flows.
Rodrigo Avelino M. dos Santos , MSc - 2003-2005 (Bolsa-CAPES)
Thesis Title: Dynamical behavior of bubble in complex fluids. Curretly - Manager at Petrobras - RNEST - Refinery
Gustavo Coelho Abade , MSc - 2003 - 2005 (Bolsa-CAPES)
Thesis Title: Sedimentation mechanics of spherical particle interacting hydrodynamically. Currently: Professor University of Warsam - Poland.
Yuri Dumaresq Sobral , MSc - 2002-2004 (Bolsa-CAPES)
Thesis Title: Magnetic and Hydrodynamic Stability of Fluidized beds. Currently : Professor in Department of Mathematics at University of Brasilia.
Douglas Machado Ramos , MSc - 2002-2004 (Bolsa-CAPES)
Thesis Title: Modeling and numerical simulations of the laminar flow of a magnetic fluid (joint supervision with J.L.A. Fontoura Rodrigues - UnB). Currently : INPI - Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Insdustrial.
Marcelo Andreotti , MSc - 2002-2004 (Bolsa-CAPES)
Thesis Title: An Investigation of drag reduction in turbulent flow by polymer additives. Currently: SBM Offshore - R&D Project Manager, O& Offshore Technology.
Taygoara Felamingo Oliveira, MSc - 2000-2002 (Bolsa-CAPES)
Thesis Title: Statistical treatment and large eddy simulations of turbulent flows (joint supervision with Roberto B. Miserda - UnB).
Otávio Luiz Silva Rosa, MSc - 1996-1998 (Bolsa-CAPES)
Thesis Title: Fluctuations and dispersion in sedimentation with a vertical stratification.
Marcelo Henrique P. de Almeida, MSc - 1996-1998 (Bolsa-CNPq)
Thesis Title: Numerical simulations of deformable particle in emulsions.
- Francisco Ricardo da Cunha