Olaf Wiggers Viggiano  - 2023- Current (PROIC-UnB-CNPq) 
Project Title:  A study on the flow of elastic liquids undergoing shear flows


Frederico da Costa Guedes  - 2023- Current (PROIC-UnB-CNPq) 
Project Title:  Bubble dynamics in electrically conducting fluids - MHD effects


Pedro Trajano Ferreira  - 2023- Current (PIBITI-UnB-CNPq) 
Project Title: Numerical and experimental modeling of ferrofluids convection in a cavity: application in the control and optimization of cooling in electrical transformers


Jeferson Oliveira de Sousa  - 2022-2023 (PROIC-UnB-FAPDF) 
Project Title:  Rheological investigation of active and passive magnetic suspensions.


Olaf Wiggers Viggiano  - 2022- 2023 (PROIC-UnB-FAPDF) 
Project Title:  Rheology of elastic liquids in linear and nonlinear viscoelastic regimes.


Gabriel Santos da Costa Pinto  - 2021- 2022 (Final Project-UnB) 
Project Title:  An experimental and Theoretical  investigation of a gravitational vortex turbine  in the presence of polymeric additives: application in water treatment plant.


Matheus Araújo Aguilar  - 2021- 2022 (Final Project-UnB) 

Project Title:  A Magnetohydrodynamics  Study  of Boundary Layer with a Conductive Fluid. 


Leonardo da Silva Afonso  Inácio  - 2021 - 2022 (PIBIC-CNPq-UnB) 

Project Title:  Incompressible Magnetohydrodynamics in Laminar Pressure Driven Flows.


Leonardo da Silva Afonso  Inácio  - 2020 - 2021 (PIBIC-CNPq-UnB) 

Project Title:  Magnetohydrodynamics of Conducting Fluids in Laminar Flows.


Marcos Fabrício de Souza Aleixo Filho - 2018-2019 (PIBIC-CNPq-UnB and Final Project-UnB) 
Project Title: Analysis and  Modelling of the dynamical behavior of  cylindrical  cabes under action of transient forcing.


Yuri Zeniti Sinzato - 2018-2018  (FinalProject-UnB)
Project Title: Flow of Magnetic Fluids in Capillary Tube: Theory and Experiment.


Paulo Roberto do Amaral Junior - 2017-2018 (PIBIC-FAPDF-UnB)
Project Title: Viscometry and Rheometry of Magnetic Fluids.


Hugo Marmori Morais - 2017-2018 (PIBIC-CNPq-Project) (Currently PIBIC-UnB 2018-current)
Project Title: A continuum study of hydrodynamic dispersion in non-Brownian suspension undergoing quadratic shear.


Marcos Fabrício de Souza Aleixo Filho - 2017- 2018  (PIBIC-CNPq-UnB)  (Currently PIBIC-UnB and Final Project, 2018-current)
Project Title: Stability and Resonance Analysis of cylindrical cables under wind forcing.


Guilherme de Mendonça Luz - 2016-2018 (PIBIC-FAPDF and  Final Project)
Project Title: Flow of a non-symmetrical magnetic fluid between parallel plates.


Yuri Zeniti Sinzato - 2015-2017 (PIBIC-UnB-CNPq) 
Project Title: Stability Analysis of the interface between immiscible fluids.


Filipe Henrique de Sousa Evangelista - 2015-2017 (PROIC-UnB - PIBIC-FAPDF)
Project Title: Motion of a spherical solid particle in a gas with arbitrary Reynolds numbers.


Igor Dal Osto Pereira - 2015-2017 (PIC-UnB-PIBIC-CNPq)
Project Title: An experimental investigation of viscoelasticity of complex liquids under unsteady shear.


Gesse Arantes de Roure Neto - 2015-2016 (Final Project & PIBIC- Bolsista do CNPq)
Project Title: Analysis of Transport Phenomenon in Microcirculation Blood Flows.


Livia de Sá Araújo - 2014-2015 (PROIC-UnB)
Project Title: Rheology of ferrofluids under linear shear flows.


Yuri Zeniti Sinzato - 2014-2015 (PIBIC-UnB)
Project Title: Flow in porous media with magnetic interface.


Bruna de Oliveira Busson - 2014-2015 (PIBIC-UnB)
Project Title: Rheology of biological suspension in shear flows.


Yuri Zeniti Sinzato - 2013-2014 (Programa Jovens Talentos para Ciência - CAPES)
Project Title: Measurements of density and liquid-liquid interfacial tension.


Sara Malvar Mauá - 2013-2014(PIC-UnB-Final Project -TCC- ENE)
Project  Title: Dynamic Control of nonlinear oscillations of bubbles in magnetic fluid (Trabalho Premiado pelo PIC-UnB e ABCM -EMBRAER ).


Ataias Pereira Reis - 2012-2013 (PIBIC-UnB)
Project Title: Computer Simulations of Fingering Instabilities in Porous Media.


Adriano Possebon Rosa - 2011-2012 (PIBIC-CNPq and Final Project - ENM)
Project Title: Flow of magnetic fluids in cylindrical tubes.


Vanessa Oliveira de Souza e Silva - 2010 -2011 (PIBIC-CNPq and Final Project)
Project Title: Microestructural and Rheological Caracterization of oil-water Emulsions Undergoing SteadyShear Flows.


Marcos Fillype Peixoto de Farias - 2009-2010 (PIBIC-UnB and Final Project)
Project Title: Rheology of magnetic fluids.


Daniel Gomes Albuquerque - 2009-2010 (PIBIC-UnB)
Project Title: Simulation of Brownian and non-Brownian Suspensions of Massive Particles


Alexandre Araújo Damião - 2007-2008 (PIC-UnB)
Project Title: An Introductory Study of Magnetic Fluid Flow.


Oscar Enriquez - 2006-2007 (Undergraduate International Exchange - Brazil-Mexico)
Project Title: A Study on the Young-Laplace Equation for a Magnetic Fluid Between two Parallel Plates.


Daniel Lima Albernaz - 2006-2007 (PIC-UnB-CNPq and Final Project)
Project Title: A Theoretical Study of The Rayleigh-Pleasset for Describing Bubble Dynamics in nonlinear fluids.


Natália Borges Marcelino - 2006-2007(PIC-UnB)
Project Title: Rheology and Microstructure of Magnetic Fluids and Magneto-Rheological Fluids.


Paulo Fernando Villafane Garcia - 2006-2007 (Final Project)
Project Title: A Dynamical Analysis of the Wing Flow Interaction with long Eletric Tansmission Cables.


Rafael Paulino de Queiroz - 2006-2007 (Final Project)
Project Title: Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Drag-Lift Performance of flows around Aerodynamical bodies.


Tiago Tolentino de Oliveira (PIC-UnB) - 2005-2006 (PIBIC-UnB)
Project Title: Lubrication Regimes of Blood Flows in the Microcirculation.